February 27, 2015

What is Plickers?

"Why do you test us in PE, we are suppose to just play?"  This is a question I hear from time to time and believe it or not physical education is a class, yes I am a teacher, yes we are going to play, and we also are going to be assessed in class.  Normally this is done with a quick pencil paper exit slip that ask the students a question about what we covered either that day or during that week. Well out with the old and in with Plickers.

Plickers is an app I recently discovered from another PE teacher in Massachusetts that lets me use my iPad to quickly assess an entire class.  I believe these cards are going to change and improve how I assess in class.  We just introduced it to classes this week and we will start using it more frequently each and everyday.  How does it work?

  1. Each student has a Plicker card assigned to them
  2. I create questions that are presendted to the class and can be multiple choice or True or False
  3. Students hold up their card based on what they think the answer is. Each card has the letters A, B,C, D on it and their answer is the letter at the top of the card
  4. Finally, I scan the class using the iPads camera and I am giving instant feedback on the answers
Confused? Check out the video below

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